Pegats teixits de crani personalitzats

Woven patches are made of thinner threads weaving with continuous design to achieve finer detail. Our weaving process and advanced machines allows us to reproduce intricate detail of your complex designs with finer detailed logo available in up to 12 thread colors. Your custom shape may have laser cut or classic merrowed and is offered with a lightweight sew-on, iron-on, or peel-stick backing. You will be satisfied with the finish of your customized durable and long lasting custom woven patches! Our prices can't be beat, let us help you design your own patches to fit your needs.
● Amplada de l'etiqueta: 10-190mm en qualsevol longitud.
● Material: 100% polièster.
● Opcions de vora: Merrow, tall tèrmic, tall làser, tall ultrasònic.
● Opcions de plec: Plec final, plec central, plec miter, plec de Manhattan...
● Suport: Tipus de varietat disponible.
● Formes especials: farcit cúbic 3D, buidat làser, bucle, midó
● Lliurament: 5-7 dies per a mostres, uns 7-14 dies per a la producció.
● Embalatge: bossa de 50 unitats / poli, o segons els requisits dels clients