Últims productes
Updating craft! New diamond faceting technology is developed by Jian, with the exquisite pattern on medallions or coins, it could make your custom medallion or coins look more attractive and outstanding. Free of mold charges for existing designs & patterns, customized patterns of diamond faceting decoration are welcomed, just contact our sales representative to start! Specifications: ● Material: B
Productes metàl·lics
JIAN is a professional manufacturer with 2500 workers and over 34 years experience, and our professional designer and artist team in our factory can help you to finish your custom design even from sketch. We have successfully made billions of metal products including Pins de solapa, challenge coins, souvenir coins, medals, medallions, key chains, metal emblems, police badges, belt buckle, key tag, dog tag and more.B
Productes de cordons
Good quality lanyards from JIAN should be the priority option for you to display badges, tickets or ID cards at events, work and in organizations. We have got rich OEM experiences since 1984 to ensure your lanyard designs to come true with superb quality. You can customize lanyards with specific materials, colors and accessories. We offer wide range of lanyards types & different styles of lanyard accessories,
Pegats teixits i brodats
JIAN is a professional manufacturer of Brodats i Teixits Productes in china, doing OEM service since for customers worldwide! Design your own colorful logo and customize your embroidery patches & woven products in any shape any style you like, we can cover every step for you. JIAN’s embroidery and woven products include embroidery patch, epaulettes, dye-sublimated and printed patches, scout relat
Productes de PVC tou
Soft PVC is a technology that allows you to make a variety of items made of soft PVC that can be used as gadgets or decoration. In the production process very demanding designs can be realized. Soft PVC offers different color option, even transparent and vivid colors are possible, also soft PVC products are cost effective. JIAN offer many kinds of soft PVC products, such as Bottle Openers, Cable Winder, Card
Productes de silicona
JIAN’s Productes de silicona are made of hypoallergenic non-toxic silicone material, flexible, durable, comfortable feeling. It is a great gift option suitable for promotion, business, souvenir and others. Our silicone products’ fashion and cute shape will surely make you smile! And it is water-shedding and hand-washable, so it’s easy to keep it clean. JIAN manufactures various kinds of silicone prod
Productes promocionals
Our promotion accessories are made from lightweight but tough fabric material (non-toxin, eco-friendly), softness feeling. JIAN provides various promotional products for choice that could match your requirement on advertising, marketing promotion and daily use. We are specialized transforming your designs to your desire. Promocional products: Phone accessories, slap on wristbands, PU leather item, fridge magnet, c
Obreporta portàtil
Excepte l'aliatge de zinc EDC i les eines tàctils de clauer d'acer inoxidable, JIAN també us pot subministrar un obridor de portes portàtil de plàsticr options. Whether you're using elevator buttons, ATM machines or simply pulling open doors, you're more likely to contact bacteria since there are all shared surfaces. With our portable door opener anti-epidemic tool on hand, you can add disinfectant on the sponge area at any time
Adhesius d'ungles
Vols ser més atractiu? No importa per a tu o per al teu negoci. Aquí ens agradaria presentar aquesta nova idea d'embolcalls d'art d'ungles per ajudar-vos a aconseguir-ho. Els adhesius d'ungles són una forma d'art d'ungles autoadhesius amb procés d'impressió per transferència d'aigua que es pot col·locar a les ungles durant una manicura o pedicura. Són inofensius per a les nostres ungles per protegir la nostra salut. I podeu triar molts estils
Productes de microfibra personalitzats
Custom microfiber products branded with your logo are an affordable giveaway that everyone can use. Our microfiber cloths come in lots of different shapes and sizes, and have many uses from cleaning eyeglasses to wiping off computer, cell phone screens. They are tough enough to get rid of smudges and dust, but gentle enough to not scratch the surface. Microfiber cloths are not only the ultimate cleaning ma
Clauers metàl·lics
Keychains are essential item that most everyone carries with them daily. If you’re looking to advertise for your company with elegant products that come in bulk at cheap prices, then our wholesale metal keychains would a great option for you. JIAN offer variety of style of metal keychains for your choice, all the metal keyrings listed here are free of mould charge and can be customized with your logo on it. Y
Cordons de cable de càrrega
These charging cable lanyards are are super functional giveawyas and always come in handy. Simply press the button on either side of the clip to release the charging cable, it conveniently charges different devices from your computer or USB connector. Cordó features with clip provides convenience to keep your keys, tags, ID badges etc on your neck. There are 5 stock color available or customize yo
Clips magnètics
Would you like to be a smart life man? Would you want to be more convenient in your work or daily life? Here we would like to share with you a special product - Clips magnètics. These magnetic clips can be made with various materials, including PP, PS and metal material. Colors can be specified as you like. Designing your own logo for branded also are welcome. Following pictures is to show you some ex
Raspall de neteja de silicona ecològic
Raspall de neteja de silicona ecològic is a creative combined design of sponge and rubber brushes. Made from high quality silicone material, non-slip, anti-scalding, heat-insulating, wear-resistant, non-stick oil and easy to clean. These silicone cleaning brush can be used for household cleaning, washing dishes and clothes, cleaning fruit and vegetable, cleaning the bathroom and bedroom, caring f
Clauers de fusta metàl·lica
Busques un regal molt especial que quedi en la memòria duradora i que gaudiràs durant molt de temps? Llavors el nostre stylish wood metal keychains may be the right thing for you. It’s the perfect personalised gift for any occasion, birthday, anniversary. Just because, or Just treat yourself. Customized with logos, names, pictures of your loved ones also done. Our beautifully hand crafted keychain will
Imants de fusta de nevera
Except tin, metal and soft pvc material, we’re also have rich experience in producing wooden fridge magnets. Made from high quality MDF wood material, eco-friendly and low price. Free suggestion for customized dimensions & designs, a wide variety of logo finish like engraving, silkscreen printing or offset printing with epoxy. All these special qualities bring back memories o

Pins de solapa

passador d'esmalt

passadors d'esmalt

Pins personalitzats

passadors metàl·lics

passador cloisonné

pins militars

Pins personalitzats
Pins militars
Els pins militars s'utilitzen sovint en gorres, roba o colls que signifiquen qualificació, qualificació o èxit en diverses carreres
Pins d'esmalt dur
The hard passadors d'esmalt are filled with mineral powder (cloisonné) in recessed areas to a level that is flush with the raised
Pins d'esmalt personalitzats
Cloisonne sempre s'ha associat amb el prestigi i la grandesa. En comparació amb altres pins d'esmalt, el processament de cloi
Pin d'esmalt dur animal bonic
Hard passadors d'esmalt are arguably the high quality pins available. Sometimes called 'epola pins' or even 'imitation
Pins de solapa d'esmalt dur de motocicleta
Our Pin de solapa d'esmalt durs, also known as Cloisonné pins or epola pins, are some of our high quality and quite popular pins
Pins de solapa commemorativa
Els pins de solapa commemoratius s'utilitzen sovint en els esdeveniments i aniversaris en memòria d'algú o algú o alguna cosa en el passat. T
Fabricant de pins personalitzats de la Xina
Els pins personalitzats són populars per a esdeveniments i els pins d'esmalt dur són un dels tipus clàssics, es deixen amb colors aplicats
Pin de solapa personalitzat
Els pins de solapa personalitzats s'utilitzen àmpliament per a diversos propòsits, com ara el reconeixement dels empleats, els premis de servei, els símbols d'èxits
Insígnies militars de cloisonné suau
Soft Cloisonné Pins which also called as imitation hard passadors d'esmalt are die struck from copper/ bronze/ iron/ or die cast f
Pins militars personalitzats
Ens dediquem a crear productes d'alta qualitat i oferir un servei professional al client en la indústria artesanal del metall
Majorista de pins d'insígnia
Els pins d'insígnia personalitzats són una manera fantàstica de representar la vostra agència. Jian utilitza un procés eficient per crear pins d'insígnies de solapa que es det
Insígnies escolars
Les insígnies universitàries i escolars personalitzades de qualitat són populars per als estudiants i el personal de col·legis, escoles secundàries, escoles secundàries, vehicles elèctrics
Productes recomanats
Obreporta portàtil
Excepte l'aliatge de zinc EDC i les eines tàctils de clauer d'acer inoxidable, JIAN també us pot subministrar un obridor de portes portàtil de plàstic
Clauers metàl·lics
Keychains are essential item that most everyone carries with them daily. If you’re looking to advertise for your company w
Clauers de fusta metàl·lica
Busques un regal molt especial que quedi en la memòria duradora i que gaudiràs durant molt de temps? Llavors el nostre st
Bandes de bucle de resistència
Les bandes de bucle de resistència són l'eina d'entrenament més popular a la indústria de la salut i el fitness. Fabricat amb làtex 100% natural
Clauers d'encants metàl·lics d'impressió UV
Aquests clauers d'encants metàl·lics d'impressió UV són els nostres nous productes de tècnica. Aquesta és una combinació increïble que em té 3D